Friday, January 29, 2021

Shoes, a guide to our Souls: Think BIG

If you want to know what a person is all about, observe their feet. How they move, how they own the ground beneath them, and very importantly, the type of shoes they wear. I truly believe there is a psychological scheme behind the shoes a person chooses every morning, and with so many styles and colors, there is a shoe for every soul. I’ve been walking the streets of different cities with my camera, photographing shoes, shoes and more shoes. I will start a series of posts on shoes and souls. For this first post I am going to talk about one of my favorite shoe topics: “Think Big Shoes” Through my photographs, I’ve noticed how children and young teenagers, wear loose shoes: untied shoelaces or no laces at all. The shoes even seem a size bigger than their feet, so they can grow and still fit. I intuit hopeful souls that think big. They see no limits, only endless room for growth and achievement. Their disposition is always looking up because nothing is too high up or too far away to be attained. They sense they are in a journey to find something important, not too sure what, but something thrilling, perhaps life. Whatever it is they are going for it because their short experience, still sees the unknown as something positive. The unknown is a chance for discovery, devoid of threats or danger. As we grow up and out of our loose shoes, we encounter obstacles to our beliefs and we become too aware of the possibility of loss and failure. The unknown acquires a bitter taste of apprehension. Lives become incarcerated in self-imposed cells of fear and doubt. As we tighten our shoes, we do the same with our souls. Sad, very sad, that we see failure as something to be fearful of. Please, sit down and hear Sir Ken Robinson speak. There may be hope. Around minute 5:30 he says: "Kids will take a chance, if they don't know, they'll have a go..."